Newsletter Issue 2 2018

USMC Ground MOS Awards Tanker Crew 2017 TIGERCOMP Winning Crew - 1st Tk Bn
President's Message
Your Association Remains Strong My Colleagues! It’s me again, first apologizing for the wrong phone number provided for the Crown Plaza Hotel in Dayton. Diane and Ralph Kunk have planned a fun filled and educational experience for all that attend. The error was caused by my being so fixed on Columbus, for some reason. The silver lining was that I had the opportunity to talk to so many members pointing out my mistake. It reminded me that it’s time to turn over the presidency to a younger man.
The article in this issue about our winning TIGERCOMP crew being recognized at the Ground Military Occupational Specialty Awards Banquet expresses the jubilation of we tankers in attendance. You will also notice in another article that this recognition did not come easily. Please remember that for our Association to remain both healthy and robust, members must step forward to assist periodically.
Currently, your Association continues to move forward and adjust with the times. This week alone I mailed out six Association hats to new Life Members and those converting to life. This is a record for me and I’m saving my postage receipts for Uncle Sam. This indicates that we are now able to speak the language of our younger tankers of today. They are joining. Now we need younger members to volunteer for some leadership positions. Those of us getting up in age will relegate to assistance or support status roles.
Enjoy this issue of the newsletter. Lloyd “Fitz” Fitzpatrick has announced his retirement after a monumental upgrade to our newsletters. We now need an individual or group to produce the first issue in January, 2019.
Diggs sends
Secretary’s Notes
Be mindful when looking through the MCTA mail this summer. We have important info going out to all members concerning the management of your Association. Please be prompt in answering and returning your responses.
Speaking of mindfulness, mine is narrowing and slowing down and it has become necessary to ask, again, for help. Someone reading this has just retired and looking to help out for a few hours and may need the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping a large number of Marines keep in touch with their MOS, each other, and the active
duty side which love sharing their time with us. We support the active duty Marines with free membership, awards, newsletters, and by attending their celebrations. We have now enrolled tankers into the prestigious annual ground combat awards ceremony and by so doing put their TANK Battalions on the “DC” MAP. Please raise you right hand and offer to help me carry on as your Secretary another year or two by doing some of my prep work or mailings. Call me 619 579 7848
A very important ballot is coming, so, make your opinions known and return the ballot asap.
Our 2018 reunion organizers need a final head count by 1 August 2018. That is the drop dead date; no later. Please support our fundraising ticket sales for the drawing. We use these monies to run the ship’s course all year. WE, the leadership, take no salary, we pay for our trips to visit the troops, for reunions, for registrations, for meetings and other items that we each donate while completing our duties as a volunteer for you. Please do what you can, sell to friends, club members at the bar and dinner or on the street. I can provide more tickets.
Points of Contact
President Buster Diggs: (H) (760-304-0019
Executive Secretary George Rose:
Scholarship Chairman Steve Chambers:
Marine Corps Association Ground Military Occupation Awards Banquet
Annually, The Marine Corps Association recognizes the top Marines in all four divisions and Special Operations Command at an annual banquet held in Washington D. C. Additionally, our Marine Corps tank community conducts the TIGERCOMP gunnery competition at various installations. This competition includes the top tank crews from the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Divisions, currently a potential pool of 174 crews. It would seem logical that our best tank crew would be recognized at this gala affair attended by over twenty-three general officers, active and retired, plus seven hundred active, retired and industry connected individuals. Many previous tankers have attempted to make this a reality only to be thwarted by the existing bureaucracy in Washington D.C. Along comes your Vice President, John “The Chief” Studenka, with the mission of having our top crew so recognized at this banquet.
Having been told, “NO!”, without explanation for our 2016 TIGERCOMP winning crew, “The Chief” remained angry but undeterred. Using a variety of strategies, he formulated a coalition of well-placed tankers such as MGySgt Ramon Sanchez occupying the tank desk at our Headquarters in Plans, Policies and Operations (our MOS sponsor.) Approval of an award was finally granted. The two of them collaborated on the trophy design and liaised with The Marine Corps Association for inclusion in the banquet. All your President did was show up for the photos and chow.
The following photos show our victorious tank crews being presented their trophies by the Commandant of the Marine Corps. The three-star general is Lieutenant General Beaudreault, Deputy Commandant for PP & O, the individual “The Chief” had to convince that we Tankers belonged at this banquet, along with the other designated Marine Corps communities and MOSs. Gunnery Sergeant Jamal Yousaf is the tank commander. Sergeant Austen Hensley is the gunner. Corporal Triston Holsher is the driver with Corporal Dominic Koert loading.
The Chief” also negotiated a trip to the banquet next year following this year’s crews that will compete at Fort Knox, Kentucky 30-31 August.

MGySgt Ramon Sanchez and wife Ester

LtGen Brian D Beaudreault, Gen Robert B Neller, GySgt Jamal Yousef (behind Gen Neller), Sgt Austen Hensley, Cpl Dominic Koert, Cpl Triston Holscher, Col (ret) Buster Diggs, SgtMaj Sowers

Left to right: Tom Kelly and Reed Bolick (Foundation Directors), Ed Cercone (MCTA rep to Marine Corps Council), Buster Diggs. All Colonels USMC (ret)

from left to right: MSgt Mikel Latham, LtGen (ret) Faulkner, LtGen Brian D Beaudreault (DC PP&O), General Robert B Neller (CMC), GySgt Jamal Yousef, Sgt Austen Hensley, Cpl Dominic Koert, Cpl Triston Holscher, Col (ret) Buster Diggs, SgtMaj Sowers (1st MARDIV SgtMaj)

LtCol Hughes, GySgt Jamal Yousef, Sgt Austen Hensley, Cpl Dominic Koert, Cpl Triston Holscher, SgtMaj Sowers

General Neller addressing Ground MOS Awards Banquet
Vacant Association Billets
(or soon to be)
Members – you’ve often heard me use the phrase: “if everyone does a little, nobody has to do a lot.” The time has come to “fish or cut bait” on some critical Association billets. Some members are moving on to more challenging assignments while others have amassed more years supporting our Association than they volunteered for. Like to talk in depth about two critical billets and issue a warning about a third.
In this issue you see – for the first time – our winning TIGERCOMP crew being awarded trophies as USMC Tankers of the year for winning the annual gunnery competition. Some Association officer had to put this all together and it fell on “The Chief.” Additionally, each year, our Association presents to a selected Marine or Sailor from each tank company, both active and reserve, a plaque for being selected as their “Tanker of the Year.”
“The Chief” took this billet with the understanding it would be for two years. In his seventh year and with the addition of the TIGERCOMP award, he needs to be relieved. What is necessary for becoming the Association Awards Chairman is a desire to do such, access to a trophy shop and FEDEX/UPS/Post Office for award distribution, plus active dialogue with all Marine Corps tank battalions. I would estimate this endeavor would require about fifty hours annually with most efforts crunched into the awards cycle. The Chief has all past records and will gladly work with the new Committee Chairman (either physically or by phone/email, depending on location), to walk them through the first submission. All award preparation and distribution costs are reimbursable.
The second billet needing a replacement is a newsletter editor. Members with over four years standing can remember the difference between the quality of newsletters I was forced to publish and the ones Lloyd “Fitz’ Fitzpatrick has produced for over three years. “Fitz” has announced his retirement for November, 2018.
Requirements for this billet are computer knowledge, photo collection and distribution, processing, review of newsletter format and sending newsletters to the publisher. The Executive Secretary takes care of the distribution. During Newsletter preparation, the President will provide necessary guidance. Few personal expenses are required, and Association reimbursements are available. We strive for quarterly publication, but three issues annually are the norm. “Fitz” will have two newsletter attempts to school someone willing to take on this challenge.
The last and potentially most challenging billet is the scholarship committee chairman. Your president was a committee member for two years, chairman for six years and now president for five years come September. It is time for new blood to infiltrate these processes. Second in importance only to maintaining the “comradeship in arms of Marine Corps tankers” is the educational financial assistance for our members and their immediate families towards higher education. This program has awarded more than $400,000 in scholarships, over
$100,000 since I have had the opportunity to serve as your president. A rewarding and positive side of this endeavor is the opportunity to review the average submission of approximately twenty-five applications from very talented young men and women. If you think our nation is lost on today’s youth, participating in this process will restore your faith.
It has always been assumed this position must reside in the San Diego area due to the need to convene a selection committee of at least three individuals. With 1st Tanks departure to Twentynine Palms, fewer and fewer tankers are electing to stay in this high cost area. New members are joining daily based on our website dialogue and there could be other pockets of members to comprise a committee. We could manipulate the database to find them. In short, for the right Committee Chairman, we’ll figure this out. It’s a critical part of the process.
If you are interested in this assignment, please contact myself or our scholarship committee chairman, Steve chambers at or ((714) 720-4499, for additional information.
If we don’t get new volunteers for these billets, they will either be filled by current billet holders having more than one assignment, or by members simply switching assignments. It is hoped that one of our younger members will step forward and raise that right hand. “if everyone does a little, no one has to do a lot.” Just like I told “The Chief”: it is only for two years and then you will be replaced!
Please fill out this form, fold it to fit and mail to:
2018 Marine Corps Tankers Association Reunion Registration
P.O Box 20761 El Cajon, CA 92021
Registration Form
2018 Dayton, Ohio Reunion Crown Plaza Hotel 18-23 September (937) 224-0800
Tuesday, 18 September | |
1200-1800 | Arrival Day & Registration |
1700 – 2200 | Red Saunders Room Is Open Lunch and dinner on your own (O Y O) |
Wednesday, 19 September | |
0900 embark (Bus #1) | Tour Carrilon Park (less walking) |
1130-1230 | Lunch Carrilon Brewry |
1230-1400 | Tour Hawthorne Hill |
1400-1500 | Tour Starwin Industries |
0900 embark (Bus #2) | Tour Starwin Industries |
1030-1230 | Tour Carrilon Park (more walking) |
1230-1330 | Lunch Carrilon Brewry |
1330-1500 | Tour Hawthorne Hill |
1700-2200 | Red Saunders Room open |
Dinner | O Y O |
Thursday, 20 September | |
0800 Embark For Wright/Pat | Tour 445th Air Base Wing (C-17’s) 1100-1200 |
1200-1330 | Windshield Tour Wright-Patterson |
1330-1430 | Interpretive Center |
Evening hours | Dinner OYO |
1700-2200 | Red Saunders Room open |
Friday, 21 September | |
0830 | Embark for Air Force Museum |
0900-1400 | Tour Air Force Museum |
Lunch | OYO |
1300 Sharp | 100th Anniversary WWI flyover |
1700 | Buffet Dinner |
2000-2200 | Red Saunders Room Open |
Saturday, 22 September | |
0830 – 1000 | MCTA General Mtng |
1030 – 1200 | MCTA Board Of Directors Mtng |
1700 – 2130 | Farwell Banquet |
1000 – 1300 | 2nd Street Market (signup) |
Sunday 23 September | |
0900 | Farewells and departures |
2018 Marine Corps Tankers Association 1stLt Michael LiCalzi Memorial Scholarship Program
The Marine Corps Tanker Association Scholarship Program continues for 2018 as a core activity of the Marine Corps Tankers Association. The 2018 MCTA First Lieutenant Michael LiCalzi Memorial Scholarship and the John Cornelius, Max English Memorial Scholarship attracted 27 exceptional young men and women. The number of applicants increased by 12 from the previous year. The quality of applicants for 2018 can only be described as exceptional.
This year as in the past five, the exceptional generosity of The LiCalzi Family’s, Ace in the Hole Foundation, enabled the award of 8 scholarship in memory of 1stLt Michael LiCalzi. Lt LiCalzi heroically gave his life in combat in Iraq, along with the crew of his M1A1 tank. Mr. Greg LiCalzi, Michael’s twin brother established the scholarship in his brother’s memory. As it has since 2014, the 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi Memorial Scholarship provides a $3000 stipend to exceptionally well qualified college bound and university students who are dependents of Marine tankers.
This year, eight outstanding applicants were selected for the 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi Memorial Scholarship. Each winning applicant will receive a stipend of $3000 dollars. Five applications were selected for the John Cornelius-Max English Scholarship. Each scholarship winners will receive a $2000 scholarship stipend.
2018 First Lieutenant Michael LiCalzi Memorial Scholarship Winners Biographies
Allison DeCicco is from Wildermere Florida, the daughter of a Tanker with the 8th Tank Battalion. A top performer in high school, 12th of a class of 684, she was selected as a 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi Scholar in 2016. She enrolled in George Washington University where she continued to demonstrate excellence with a 3.4 grade point average in an exceptionally challenging mathematics and engineering curriculum. She is pursuing a degree in computer science and hopes for a career in cyber security. In addition to her demanding major, she is a member of her University Division 1 Water Polo Team. She continues as a volunteer with Washington Nationals Dream Foundation, assisting children in difficult circumstances. She continues to volunteer for the YMCA and the Smithsonian Children’s Outreach. She continues to be an exceptional young woman and an outstanding student, dedicated to education goals and others less fortunate. She embodies the spirit of the First Lieutenant Michael LiCalzi and is a credit to the Marine Corps Tankers.
Caitlyn Sigafose resides in Hubert North Carolina, the daughter of a career Tanker serving at Ft. Knox, Kentucky. She will graduate Swansboro High School in June 2018, with a 3.99 grade point average, ranking seventh in her class. Her high school career includes Class Vice President each of four years, Year Book Editor, Junior and senior years, President, Rho Kapa National Honor Society, senior year. She is also the Varsity Soccer Team Captain 2017-18. She was recognized as a Scholar-Athlete each of her four years in high school. When all the advanced placement and honors classes are considered, her weight GPA is 4.99. When not earning “As”, she volunteers with Top Soccer, a program to coach autistic children, and Fishstrong, a program that assists the terminally ill. She plans to attend University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and study Political Science with an eventual goal to graduate a top law school. There seems no doubt she will succeed. Caitlyn is an unusually determined and capable young woman who embodies the spirit of 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi. She is a credit to Marine Tankers.
Darius Mattson resides in Virginia Beach Virginia, the son of a career Marine Tanker. He graduated Ocean Lakes High School in June 2017 with a 4.0 cumulative high school grade point average and was selected as a 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi Scholar. He enrolled in Virginia Polytechnic Institute where his academic excellence continues with a 4.0 grade point average. Majoring in theoretical physics, he made the Dean’s List his first semester. He plans to continue to his PhD. In his first year, he received recognition by the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. His exceptional academic performance continues to be matched by selfless volunteer involvement with the Intervarsity Campus Ministries and the Triedstone Church. He is a third degree Karate Black Belt, an accomplished Black Belt in Goshen Jitsu and active collegiate intramural sports. He continues his academic record of never receiving a grade lower than A. He is a gifted, dedicated, achievement oriented young man who embodies the spirit of First Lieutenant Michael LiCalzi. He is a credit to Marine Corps Tankers.
Emma Bodisch resides in Killeen Texas, the daughter of a career Marine Tanker from the 1st and 2nd Tank Battalions. She will graduate Copperas Love High School in June 2018, with 4.0 grade point average, Number 1 in her class of 479. Her academic record is replete with honors, advance placement and college courses. She is a member, National Honor Society, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Since 2015, she has led her team at the Central Texas National History Day competition 2017 State Champions, Second Place National Champions. She has accumulated over 320 volunteer hours with the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica 2015 – present), which serves disabled students, and Advocates of Anferney (2016 – present), which assists families with still born children and infant deaths. She plans to enroll in the University of Texas Austin and study international relations. Her ultimate educational goal is to graduate law school, earn a Juris Doctor degree and practice law. Emma is an exceptional scholar with a record replete with achievement, service and excellence. She embodies the spirit of 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi and is a credit to Marine Tankers.
Katherine Slaughter resides in O’Fallon, Illinois and is a junior attending the University of Alabama. She continued the 4.0 grade point average she achieved during her first two years. This scholarship represents her third award. She is an elementary education major and plans to teach exceptional needs children. She is a three year member of the University of Alabama Honors College, and the University Presidents List. She is a volunteer at the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind Preschool, a YMCA Lifeguard, children’s swimming instructor and swimming team coach. In her spare time, she is a waitress. Kathrine repots her passion for teaching special needs children and her desire to make a difference in children’s lives. Her record of dedication, achievement and excellence leave little doubt she will. She certainly reflects the dedication and spirit of 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi, and is a credit to the Marine Corps tankers.
Madison Cuozzi is a resident of Clinton, Maine, and the daughter of a Marine Tanker who served in the 1st and 3rd Tank Battalions. She was first select for the 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi Memorial Scholarship as a graduate of Joseph P. Keefe Technical High School where she maintained a 4.0 GPA. She enrolled in Worcester State University and as a freshman, she earned a 3.6 grade point average and a place on the Worcester Dean’s List. Majoring in Occupational Therapy, her goal is to earn a graduate degree and care for children with exceptional needs. She has a personal connection with Down syndrome and the autism spectrum, experience which caused her to be an annual volunteer with Special Olympics. She is a gymnastics coach, teacher and mentor to special needs athletes. Madison’s continue relentless commitment to her educational goals distinguish her. Her dedication and achievement exemplify the spirit of 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi. She is a credit to the Marine Corps Tankers.
Madison Szczygiel resides in Wells, Maine, the daughter of a Tanker from Company A, 1st Tank Battalion. She will graduate Wells High School in June 2018 with a cumulative 4.0 grade point average and a record replete with advance placement and honors courses. Seventh in her class, she is a member of the National Honor Society. She is the Senior Class President, a Member of the Associated Student Council, and Member of the School Mathematics Team. She has accumulated 299 hours of volunteer work, recorded by her school, for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awaking Camp. In addition to her academic excellence, and service to others, she has been recognized as the Most Valuable Members of her school’s varsity Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track Teams, and owns 7 individual school records. She plans to attend Dartmouth University, eventually go to medical school and practice medicine. Madison has achieved an unparalleled combination of scholarship, service and athletics. Her record of dedication and achievement embody the spirit of 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi; she is a credit to Marine Corps Tankers.
Sophia Pappas resides in Binghamton New York, the daughter of a Marine Tanker who served with 8th Tank Battalion. She will graduate Susquehanna Valley High School in June 2018 with a 4.0 grade point average. She is ranked 17 of 144 students in her class. She has been a member of the National Honor Society from 2016 through 2018. She plans to graduate Binghamton University with degrees in mathematics and chemistry. She is a varsity softball pitcher, a New York/Mid-Atlantic Champion archer, varsity table tennis player. She was named her high school Female Athlete of Year for 2017, 1st Team, All- State softball 2015-2017. When not earning “As” or winning championships, she volunteers with the American Heart Walk Organization, The Binghamton Children’s Discovery Center and an active member of her Church. Sophia seems to be the ideal combination of scholarship, athletics and service. She is an exceptional young woman who sets lofty goals and achieves them. Her drive and dedication to excellence embody the spirit of 1st Lt Michael LiCalzi. She is a credit to Marine Tankers.
The 2018 Max English/John Cornelius Memorials Scholarship winners.
Lauren Austin is from Newfane, New York, the daughter of a Marine Tanker from the 8th Tank Battalion. She is a junior at Niagara University. Lauren compliments an exceptional high school career replete with achievement in academics, athletics and extracurricular participation with three years on her University Deans List. She has achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.65 in a demanding prelaw program. Her plans include law school and a career as an attorney. Active in many aspects of campus life, including the Niagara University Pre-Law Students Association, Peer mentor for incoming students, Law Enforcement Academy intern and research assistant. She is active in school soccer. She continues a record of dedication, persistence and achievements. She is a credit to the Marine Corps Tanks Association.
Beatrice Fretwell is from Sneads Ferry, North Carolina, and the daughter of a Marine Tanker from the 4th Tank Battalion. She is a senior at Dixon High School graduating in June 2018 with a cumulative 3.9 GPA. In the fall she will attend the University of North Carolina Pembroke where she plans a major in biology. She hopes to be commissioned in Naval Medicine, physical therapy. In addition to near academic perfection, Beatrice is a perennial on her high school honor roll and is an all-conference, all state soccer player. She also competes in varsity track and cross country. She hopes to play collegiate soccer. She is an exceptional student athlete with lofty goals and the persistence and dedication to be successful. She is an outstanding representative the MCTA Scholarship Program.
Rebecca Alvarenga resides in San Pedro California, the daughter of a Marine Tanker from Company D, 1st Tank Battalion. She graduated San Pedro High School, Marine Science Magnet in June 2018. Finishing 81st in a class of 539, she achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.9. She hopes to attend the University of California Santa Cruz or Santa Barbara in the fall where she will study environmental science. In addition to being recognized as a Gold Seal Bearer, California Scholarship Federation, she was a member of the varsity Water Polo and volleyball teams. She founded the San Pedro High School “Roots and Shoot”, a school athletic supports program, and is an officer, active in the YMCA Youth and Government Program. Rebecca is a dedicated, achievement oriented young woman who is a credit to the MCTA and the Scholarship Program.
James Stopa lives in Fredericksburg Virginia, the son of a career Marine Tanker from the 2nd Tank Battalion. Jim graduated Massaponax High School in June 2018. Ranked 80th in a class of 450, he earned a 3.9 cumulative GPA. In addition to the National Honor Society and 4 years recognition for academic excellent, he played football, baseball, played in the school band and worked as a lifeguard. In his spare time, he assisted with Special Olympics, volunteered for the Fredericksburg Food Pantry and was a four year mentor for the Semper Fi Kids Camp. Jim is the ideal combination of academics, athletics and service. He embodies the principles of the MCTA Scholarship Program.
For eligible and qualified dependents of Marine Corps Tankers and dependents of military member who served in a Marine Corps Tank Battalion, it’s time to apply for Academic Year 2019. Dependents including spouses, children and up to the grandson or daughter of a Marine Tanker may apply. Applicants must be a graduating high school senior or a full time student, at least 12 units in an accredited junior college, college or university. The application process is detailed and all interested applicants should begin now. The process including an application form, an essay, evaluation of full time student status, Grade Point Average, two Letters of Recommendation, extracurricular/school activities and “need” are evaluated by committee. Scholarship winners and notification of award will be done during April and May 2019.
Applicants receiving 2018 MCTA Scholarships may apply for continuation for 2019. Applications for continuation should emphasize achievement since the previous application and will be evaluated on its merits with all applications submitted. Recipients may apply for up to four years of scholarships. Each year requires all basic qualifications and a complete reapplication.
The MCTA Scholarships represent a significant financial benefit. Applicant are encouraged to compile the best application possible. Accuracy, legibility, and composition that reflect the merit of tphpelicaant are important in the evaluation process. The application forms and all program eligibility requirements can be down loaded from Marine Corps Tankers Association Scholarships website, www, Complete applications must be received by the, Chairman, MCTA Scholarship Committee no later than March 15, 2019. Application packages can be mailed to 1922 Freeman St., Oceanside, CA, 92054 or emailed as an attachment to Be sure to provide complete contact information with mailing address, best telephone number and an email address.
The number of scholarships to baredaewd in 2019 will b e based on Marine Corps Tankers Foundation revenues and sustaining contributions. MCTA members and parties interested in contributing to the Scholarship Fund or obtaining more information about the MCTA Scholarship Program are invited to contact Steve Chambers, Chairman, of the Scholarship Program at the email address provided. Congratulations to our 2018 scholarship winners. Be sure to renew your application; succeed in school and keep in touch.
Again this year, the MCTA and all Marine Tankers extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Greg LiCalzi, his entire family and their “Ace in the Hole” Foundation for their generous, sustained support of the MCTA Scholarship Program.
27-04-18 | Austin, Daryl | Newfane | NY | New Member |
10/1/2018 | Bardorf, David | Swansboro | NC | New Life Member |
4/6/2018 | Beamon, Jesse | Van Buren | AR | Converted to Life Member |
15-05-18 | Bissard, David | Grand Rapids | MI | Life Member |
24-04-18 | Blackburn, William | Fallbrook | CA | Converted to Life Member |
5/5/2018 | Clavan, Robert | Andalusia | PA | Converted to Life Member |
3/5/2018 | Cuozzi, Scott | Clinton | MA | Converted to Life Member |
9/4/2018 | King, Delbert | Long Beach | CA | New Member |
28-03-18 | Palko, Paul J | Pittsburgh | CA | New Member |
8/5/2018 | Schoen, William | Naples | FL | Converted to Life Member |
17-04-18 | Sharkey, Dyarle J | Kelso | WA | New Life Member |
28-02-18 | Sigler, Ralph | Cary | NC | New Life Member |
9/4/2018 | West, Bryce | Jackson | TN | Converted to Life Member |
KNAPP | LLOYD | CASA GRANDE | AZ | 2/17/2018 | |
ERICKSON, JR Donald M | DONALD M | WHITTIER | CA | KATHY | 5/4/2017 |
LUDWIG | FRITZ | LAKE HAVASU | AZ | 12/17/2014 | |
GIESE | HENRY | CHARLESTON | SC | 2/20/2018 | |
HENRY | JOHN | YONKERS | NY | SUSAN | 10/1/2014 |