From the President- Buster Diggs

This year we celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the founding of MCTA. It was formed as a non-profit in 1973 in Carlsbad, California by a small group of retired Marine tankers, all of whom were senior staff non-commissioned officers. Over the years, more than 1700 Marines have joined the association with the desire to stay in touch with former comrades-in-arms, meet new tankers, connect with old friends, and show support and encouragement to active- duty Marine Tankers.
The Marine Corps Tankers Association is an elite and close-knit group that has earned a highly respected reputation within the brotherhood and history of the United States Marine Corps. Our membership includes warriors who have p[articipated in every battle where Marine tanks were committed in support of a Marine infantry unit. Tanker unit battle honors commenced prior to and during WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many smaller missions in between.
The heart of the MCTA is our Foundation and its scholarship program. Funded by generous donations from our Membership and supporting corporations and organizations, the Foundation has granted over $450,000 in scholarships to numerous worthy applicants. Biographies of our 2023 scholarship recipients are included in our newsletter in listed in this website. Information on applications for 2024 scholarships is also included in the newsletter as well as this website.
After a successful MCTA 2023 San Antonio reunion, we are encouraging members to contact me or any director with volunteers and suggestions on where to host future 5 reunions. Meanwhile, if you are a MCTA member in good standing, you are invited to attend future reunions held by the Vietnam Tankers Association (VTA) and Paul Murray’s Tanker Formation. You can obtain VTA reunion information by contacting Rick Lewis at
My message to the membership is tankers like me having sprockets that need to be reversed or surveyed need younger members to step up and volunteer to host a reunion. The Association has a planning guide to assist. Our Association can continue to thrive if a few younger and more energetic members bring forward their ideas, methods, and locations for us to gather and foster the legacy of Marine Corps tankers. I look forward to your input.
Our Board of Directors

BUSTER diggs-President

rod gerdes-director

john pierce-director

Harold Meeks-CFO

Mario Tamez-director

casey casey-director

doug henry-director

rick lewis- vice president

Kevin (mike) davis- director

george rose-staff secretary

Rich Hine - Fb/web

steve chambers-director