
Support MCTA

The goals of foundation are to provide charitable and financial aid to qualified applicants who are members, survivors and dependents of members of the Association and to design, produce, and dedicated appropriate monuments to honor the memory of our fallen comrades and to perpetuate the eternal living spirit of all USMC tankers whose legacy of valor, loyalty, innovation and honor in peace and war continues to serve the final interests of our Nation and the Marine Corps.
The MCTA’s efforts to support the educational pursuits of Marine Tankers and their families is funded in its entirety by generous donations from our Membership and supporting Corporations and Organizations.
The heart of the Marine Corps Tankers Association (MCTA) is our foundation and its scholarship program. Since our inception the foundation has granted almost $400,000 in scholarships to numerous worthy applicants. In 2008 and 2009 we were able to provide $50,000 in scholarships to 25 highly qualified and deserving applicants.
The association also works with the Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Pendleton.
Funding for all of these noteworthy programs has historically come from the following sources:
- The annual West Coast Tankers Golf Tournament (conducted for 18 years in a row)
- Our annual scholarship raffle for our members
- Contributions by other foundations
- Individual contributions by our members and friends
Donations to the MCTA and the MCTA Foundation are fully tax deductible. These are an IRS designated section 501 (c) 19 and 501 (c) 3 organization, respectively. Anyone interested in making a donation please send your contribution via check to the National MCTA HQ at:
PO Box 20761
El Cajon, Ca. 92021-0960
A Charitable Contribution Documentation Guide (Table T804) is provided for your assistance. The association will provide you with the documentation required by this Guide.
Occasionally members have inquired about including a charitable bequest to the association in their will or living trust. We stand ready to work with you in establishing such a bequest with the assurance that the foundation will provide ongoing stewardship to ensure that your wishes are fulfilled.